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Life Q&A with Mohd Irtefa

· 5 min read
Yiyang Hibner

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Guest post author: Mohd Irtefa

What was your biggest fear when you quit your corporate job while expecting a kid? How did you address this concern from Tuganai and other family members?

You know, when I made the decision to leave my corporate job and start my own company, fear wasn't really something that crossed my mind. Sure, there were uncertainties and risks involved, but I was filled with a sense of excitement and anticipation for the journey ahead. I was fortunate to have strong, supportive women in my life (my Co-Founder Dani and my wife Tuganai) who helped me believe in myself and my vision. And at the end of the day, I realized that there's never going to be a "perfect" time to take the leap and pursue your dreams. Starting a company is an emotional and instinctive decision, not a logical one. When you feel that fire in your belly and that sense of purpose in your heart, sometimes you just have to take the plunge and trust that everything will work out in the end.

How do you divide child caring tasks with your wife Tuganai?

When it comes to dividing child-caring tasks, I have to give credit where credit is due - my wife is an absolute superhero. With a demanding job and a toddler at home, she manages to juggle it all with grace and skill. While I try to do my part, I know that my contributions are small compared to hers.

As our daughter grows and changes, we've found that our approach to childcare has to be flexible and adaptable. One thing I've learned is that there's no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to parenting. It's a constantly evolving process that requires patience, love, and a willingness to learn. And at the end of the day, I'm just grateful to have the opportunity to be a dad and watch our daughter grow into her own unique person.

What are some surprising things to you as a father? What about as a start-up co-founder?

Let me tell you, being a father and a startup co-founder are not for the faint of heart. It takes relentless dedication and grit to excel in both roles. As a father, you have to put in the time and effort to be there for your children and your partner. And as a startup co-founder, you have to be prepared to face the daily grind of building something great. Forget the feel-good stories you hear on "How I built this" by Guy Raz. Success in the real world requires an unwavering commitment to hard work and perseverance.

What do you struggle the most at this moment in your life?

Sleep! I don’t remember the last time I slept for 8 hours straight hahaha.

What do you want your daughter to learn from you?

When it comes to what I hope my daughter learns from me, I have to say that I'm more excited about what I'll learn from her in the years to come. That said, if there's one thing I want her to take away from our time together, it's a deep-seated passion for taking risks. As an entrepreneur, I know that the biggest rewards come from pushing beyond your comfort zone and pursuing your dreams with everything you've got. I hope my daughter sees this in me and is inspired to do the same. But, ultimately, the most exciting part of being a parent is watching your child grow and learn, and I can't wait to see what she teaches me along the way.

Describe a typical day of yours during week day v.s. Weekend

Weekdays are jam-packed for me, pun intended. As the founder of a remote company, I start my day by diving into our support queue and tackling emails. We hold daily standups to touch base with the team and offer support as needed. The bulk of my day is spent in customer meetings and conducting recruiting interviews. It's a never-ending cycle of building and growing.

Weekends, on the other hand, are sacred family time. My wife and I take our daughter to local hotspots like parks, bookstores, and libraries. We cherish these moments together and use them to recharge and refocus. It's a reminder that there's more to life than work and that family is the most important thing.

If our readers want to learn more about your company (hiring/investing), what is your pitch?

“If Jam didn’t exist, I would jump off a bridge…” this is a direct quote from one of our customers. It sounds hyperbolic (maybe even crazy!) but that’s what he said when we asked what he would use if Jam didn’t exist. We built Jam for engineers and product managers to give them back their precious time. 80% of an engineer’s time is spent investigating why a bug happened. With Jam, when you report a bug, all of the necessary context that an engineer needs to solve a bug are embedded in a link. Whether you're an engineer or product manager, Jam streamlines your bug reporting process, so you can focus on what you do best: creating. If you are reporting and fixing bugs, you should sign up for Jam (it’s free!).